What is NextLVL Learning?
At NextLVL Learning, our mission is to push the boundaries of experiential and active learning using emerging audiovisual and information technology. We are committed to empowering students and educators with the knowledge of this technology and introducing new ways of learning, fostering both personal and professional growth. Together, we are shaping the future of education and paving the way for the next generation of audiovisual and information technology professionals.
Join today and be a part of the revolution shaping the future of students and leaders in the A/V industry!
Join us
ROAD SHOW APPLICATION REQUEST - WE ARE COMING TO YOUR AREA! We are constantly looking for opportunities to come to your local school.
Fill out our information form and we will coordinate a visit to your school (K-12, Community Colleges, and Public/Private 4-year Colleges) to speak to students, entry-level workers, and faculty on information within the audio/video and information technology industry, available training and schooling, scholarship opportunities, and much more! We always bring "swag" and make sure all the students have information and our contact information to be successful in their A/V and IT Career Journey!
Engaging with the Community: At NextLVL Learning, we are building relationships with schools (K-12, Community Colleges, and Public/Private 4-year Colleges), educators, and industry professionals to foster partnerships and collaborations across the nation. We started hitting the road and are on our way to your town soon! Look for updates on more events in the near future.